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Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech, Kelly Hall, Blacksburg, VA, USA


Experimental Facilities

Material Characterization Facilities
The Materials Characterization Lab is a shared user facility that builds on Virginia Tech's excellence in materials research by providing access to advanced instrumentation. State of the art Thermal, mechanical, surface, and elemental analysis equipments.

Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Lab (NCFL)
NCFL is an initiative of the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science at Virginia Tech. The facility is equipped with more than $10 million in highly specialized equipment including access to advanced equipment for electron microscopy, optical microscopy, and several spectroscopic techniques. Short courses and characterization services for the industry are offered.

Other facilities include test benches and setups for analysis of heat sinks under forced and buoyancy-driven conditions, Phase change heat transfer, ultra slow-motion videography, additive manufacturing of metal, composite, and polymer materials

Computational Resources

Dedicated shared university high-performance cluster. (ARC)
Advanced Research Computing (ARC) provides centralized support for research computing by building, operating, and promoting the use of advanced cyberinfrastructure at Virginia Tech. In General, a 100-node 2400-core compute engine
targeted at scalable and distributed workloads; 128 GB
memory per node available with commonly used analysis and design software packages with university/sitewide/research licenses.


Experimental and Computational facilities in the broad area of thermal management, heat transfer, and high-quality material characterization and development for packaging applications.

Key Faculty Reasearcher

Dr. Roop Mahajan

Activity Name

GrapheneX and Thermal Engineering Laboratory


Dr. Roop Mahajan



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